Derangements list for Malks

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Derangements list for Malks

Post by Storyteller »

Originally this was planned for the character creation page, but given that this list may change over time, it will be easier to keep here for editing.

Players, please do some cursory homework on how these disorders can manifest. The explanations below are simple and summarized, and not all encompassing. Phobias outside of what would be appropriate for the Derangement can be taken as flaws.

Here are the list of currently allowed Derangements for Malkavian characters, and the effect it may have on the dice for the character.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
If picked, the character sheet should detail the OCD behavior and how it affects them. This is to ensure it's well built, as popular media tends to oversimplify (or over-complicate) the condition. OCD isn't JUST "I flip a light switch ten times".

System: Anytime the character or the STs think the situation calls for it, the character rolls self control (diff of 6) to resist their OCD from triggering. 3 successes is a successful repression. 2 means it still manifests in a subtle way that could still be casually noticed. 1 means it's blatantly noticeable. Fail is full on OCD. Botch is worse than normal.

Borderline Personality Disorder
This tends to manifest as unprovoked and severe mood swings and disproportionate responses (both positive and negative).

System: When the player feels it's appropriate or at ST discretion, the character rolls self control, +1 difficulty, to keep from having a severe and possibly detrimental emotional swing.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Your character has suffered a traumatizing event that has had a deep and lasting psychological impact. They may not even be aware of it. Many veterans functional well enough for years; coping to various degrees of success their "explainable" reactions to things. The player should detail the cause of trauma with triggers, how it affects them, how they avoid them if applicable.

System: because of the personal and varied ways PTSD can manifest, we will work with the player on the dice mechanics if this derangement is picked.

Schizophrenia/Schizotypal Disorders
Please read up on this. The media has really twisted this one around. If you want to play a "media" version of this, it can be discussed.

System: Kindred with this derangement can be unpredictable and dangerous in situations that trigger a vampire’s inner conflict. The difficulties of all rolls to resist frenzy increase by three.

Bipolar Disorder/Bipolar Affective Disorder/Manic-Depression
Your character has stretches where they are 'stuck' in a particular emotional band. They don't always have to be the proverbial dog chasing squirrels when manic, or suicidal when depressed. It can manifest itself as a starting point of their emotional intensity or ambition for the time being. It's not something that will normally 'flip' often. But we also don't expect characters to be in the same 'mode' for weeks at a time.

System: At storyteller discretion, any Willpower rolls will have a +1 to the difficulty

Individuals with this derangement are obsessed with accumulating power and wealth. Salving their insecurities by becoming the most potent individuals in their environment. Such individuals are invariably arrogant and supremely sure of their abilities, convinced of their own inherent superiority. The means of achieving their status can take many forms, from devious conspiracies to outright brutality. Any individual of equal or higher status than the victim is perceived to be "competition." Kindred with this derangement constantly struggle to rise to the height of power and influence, by whatever means necessary. In a megalomaniac’s view, there are only two classes of people: those who are weaker, and those who do not deserve the power they have and must be made weaker. This belief extends to everyone around the vampire, including members of her own coterie.

System: If a megalomaniacal vampire is presented with the chance to diablerize a more potent Kindred and thinks they can get away with it, she will be sorely tempted. A Willpower roll (difficulty 9) is needed to resist the urge. Only 1 success is needed. But for less than 3 successes, the would-be victim might notice the afflicted character struggling with some sort of inner conflict (uneasy body language, aggressive or invasive demeanor, etc.).

Anti-Social Personality Disorder
People with ASPD are characterized by a lack of emotions, especially empathy, shame, and fear. A person without it might think "I don't want to rob an old lady because that's morally wrong". A person with it might think "I don't want to rob an old lady because I don't want to go to jail". It's purely "what can I get away with that will benefit me" risk vs reward with very little to no emotional input. This is what was formally called "psychopathic" and "sociopathic". It's an overall personality disorder now with different degrees.

System: +1 difficult to all rolls involving Empathy. This includes Auspex.

Histrionic Personality Disorder
For a person with histrionic personality disorder, self-esteem depends on the approval of others. People with this disorder have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, praised, or approved of. Failure to gain the approval or praise they were expecting can cause a breakdown, tantrum, or other outburst.

System: If the character fails to get the recognition/inclusion/praise they feel they deserve, they must roll self control (difficulty of 6) to keep from having a socially unacceptable or disproportionate adverse reaction.

Dissociative Identity Disorder
The old and formally defunct term for this was 'multiple personality disorder'. The character will have at least one other personality, typically tied to a coping mechanism from trauma. The 'alternate' personality may not be a 'complete' personality unto itself. It could lack the range of emotion, and exist as a personification of a few related emotional states to form the psychological 'shield' to deal with the stress from the trigger. A somewhat dramatic example is Harvey "Two-Face" Dent from the comics (before the accident that disfigured him). "Big Bad Harv" was a violent monster that formed out of Harvey's long festering disgust and anger with the flaws in the justice system (in one of the origins for Two-Face in the comics, "Harv" started by killing criminals that walked due to corruption or technicalities).

System: The character cannot control when the alternate personality will pop up. Stressors and details on the personality will be worked out during creation. When faced with scenarios where the player or ST thinks the character might have the alternate personality spring up, it will do so. Once that scene ends (the stress is gone), the main personality will resurface. The two personalities may be aware they share the same body, but cannot communicate 'internally'. They will need to leave physical messages for each other. The character can try to keep the alternate personality from popping up with a Willpower roll, diff of 8.

Power-Object Fixation
The character unshakably believes an object they carry with them makes it easier for them to use their Disciplines. Not having the object has a psychological impact on their ability to focus and use their Disciplines.

System: +1 difficulty to any Discipline rolls. If it is a Willpower-spend ability, it requires 2 Willpower. "Blood buff" without the object will also cost a WP.
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